Over the country, there are children who are turned away and are denied treatment simply because of their economic status. The money that we spend is going down the wrong "drain" (so to speak). Instead of investing into the welfare of the "little ones" who seek to make a difference, our investment is in war occurring in another hemisphere.
Poverty is at an all time high and no one seems to be doing anything about it.
I haved signed the petition on her website and it made my heart jump when I realized that this is simply a call for us to show our own government that children's health is an important issue. I'm sorry, but if I have to pound your numbskull for you to realize that this is an important issue because you seem to be caught up in your own distractions, then obviously the government is increasing its amount of idiots.
I applaud Susie Flynn, she is indeed much more intelligent that the current President. Finally, we see smart women stepping up to the plate...which is what happens when a position of leadership has gone haywire.
To get more information about Susie Flynn and footage of her campaign trail, visit the official Susie Flynn Website: http://www.electsusie.com/
US Elections 2008
You wrote:
"Instead of investing into the welfare of the "little ones" who seek to make a difference, our investment is in war occurring in another hemisphere.
I realized that this is simply a call for us to show our own government that children's health is an important issue. I'm sorry, but if I have to pound your numbskull for you to realize that this is an important issue because you seem to be caught up in your own distractions, then obviously the government is increasing its amount of idiots.
I applaud Susie Flynn, she is indeed much more intelligent that the current President. Finally, we see smart women stepping up to the plate...which is what happens when a position of leadership has gone haywire."
I agree with many things in that comment...
1. The leadership has gone haywire
2. Susie Flynn is much more intelligent than the current President. (Who wouldn't be that)
3. The government is increasing its amount of idiots. = Also very true!
4. Instead of investing into the welfare of the "little ones" who seek to make a difference, our investment is in war occurring in another hemisphere.
= Very True but not only that, also you can add social securaty, medicare and retirement into the neglected areas...
For instance there are no money for future retirements in America.
The money they pay out today comes from what others pay in today.
- What happens then when you're supposed to pay out more than you collect? = Idiots!
...I listen to all kinds of media from all over the world and the American elections never siese to amaze me.
I mean how could George W Bush ever be elected as President?
How could Schwarzenegger be elected in California?
It all sounds like bad jokes.
If you ever listen to Congressmen talking about economic issues with Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve you rapidly (If you really know the fundametals of the economy)come to the conclusion that most of these guys don't understand even half of what they are talking about.
Ben understands things, but you simply can not trust him.
= Bens job is all about presenting the rosy scenario and to avoid all difficult questions.
Most Congressmen are just in such grave need of economic education!
There are only a few that seem to understand even the basics.
The only one with really good understanding is actually Ron Paul.
He's a republican candidate, but so independent in his thinking that Hillary Clinton is probably more of a republican. ;)
The truth is that there will be absolutely huge troubles for any winning candidate in this election.
I would not in a milllion years want to be the next US president.
I mean honestly there really are laws about economics just like there's a law about gravity!!
You can't really jump into the air and think that gravity won't catch you...
It simply doesn't work that way!
I appreciate your comment. Social security, medicare, and retirement have gone on the back burner because we tend to have a screwed up notion that we can wait later to rectify it...not realizing that the more time we waste, the harder it is to rise back to the top.
I would never run for President either, because then you are responsible for bringing the nation back at square one...so many expectations come with the position. You are placed at fault for anothers mistakes and although the vigilante (previous President at that time) may be known, the innocent hero will turn enemy.
I completely understand yourpoint on the need for economic education. People don't need a brain, they just have to know what angle to look into the camera and how to mumble and talk in circles.
Sugar-coat everything and criticize those who stand against you never critiquing your own mistakes or at least owning up to them. They underestimate the intellect of citizens and the citizens fall into that habit of just "settling" and not researching the motives of these candidates before going into the voting polls.
Nice of you to reply!
"Social security, Medicare, and retirement have gone on the back burner because we tend to have a screwed up notion that we can wait later to rectify it...not realizing that the more time we waste, the harder it is to rise back to the top."
Yep, That's true.
It's much much better to avoid the obstacles instead of having to deal with the wreckages later.
However that’s not what’s happening in the real world !
In reality politicians only worry about things that will happen during their sessions at office.
No politician would ever admit this of course.
- Our plans are long-term and our solutions are robust.
“Sugar-coat everything and criticize those who stand against you never critiquing your own mistakes or at least owning up to them. “
- Yes, That’s the general policy of any modern politician.
“I completely understand your point on the need for economic education. People don't need a brain, they just have to know what angle to look into the camera and how to mumble and talk in circles.”
There’s also needs on political levels for more belief in what people really can do themselves.
For instance: (Not a perfect example but..)
The Social security program was originally sold that way to the American people.
- We must force you to pay for your retirement by taxations because the average American is just too dumb to save and since they are so dumb, that they will be broke when they retire if we don’t help them...
People have ever since paid money to the government and the government have then spent every dime of that money on nonsense… People really could do without that kind of help!
If taxations wouldn’t have taken that money away in the first place, then it just might have been saved…
Or perhaps it would have been invested productively into the economy.
But not to worry!
Everyone will get their retirement money it’s all about printing enough of dollars.
The dollars might be worthless when received (due to inflation), but the money will be paid…
All these things and many more are really interesting subjects to discuss, but sometimes I would rather prefer to go outside, enjoy the sun, watch the sea, go fishing and clear the head of thoughts…
Or why not lean back in a sofa and turn on some kind of suitable music…
Bobby McFerrin - “Don’t worry be happy” ?
You know…
Always look on the bright side of life!
It’s a Public holiday here tomorrow, which means no work for me.
It’s at least a small positive…
/ Dan
Previously posted by Anonymous:
"The Social security program was originally sold that way to the American people.
- We must force you to pay for your retirement by taxations because the average American is just too dumb to save and since they are so dumb, that they will be broke when they retire if we don’t help them...
People have ever since paid money to the government and the government have then spent every dime of that money on nonsense… People really could do without that kind of help!
If taxations wouldn’t have taken that money away in the first place, then it just might have been saved…
Or perhaps it would have been invested productively into the economy."
I agree with that 100%. I am anxious to see how the elections will turn out. People aren't thinking about it that much...some don't even know when elections take place. Luckily, an elected president can only serve two consecutive terms...hopefully, Bush won't run in 2012.
Bush have a strong tendency to see things in black and white.
You’re either with us (me) or against us (me)!
That’s a simplistic and very dangerous thought and a real reminder of the thinking during the Cold-war era against the Soviet Union.
At present OPEC and Russia produce energy and raw materials, China and India produce goods and United States consume.
GDP-growth is a good thing , but not if it’s all based on consumption based on borrowing…
The biggest exporter of goods in the world is still Germany, but China has now overtaken USA’s second spot and next year China is even likely to surpass Germany…
Entering a period of dwindling worldwide petroleum reserves with an ageing population, vast debts, a weakening dollar and huge trade deficits the American future prospects could look a lot better.
That’s at least a few of my views of things.
It’s now about time to go outside and enjoy the nice weather before gets too late (sunset).
I guess you have lots of warm and sunny days like this in Florida?
Anyway, This is Dan signing off, soon taking a stroll, relaxing and watching the sea from a right now sunny and warm Sweden.
/ Dan
His simplistic thought is ultimately the result of the mergence of his ignorant and stubborn ways.
There's hardly a regard as to what the public truly wants, which is the proposed job decription of President. The decline in his supporters is quite too late as far as I am concerned...there's little that can be done. We might as well roll with the punches until it boils down.
China is indeed making its mark gradually. I always try and keep my eye out for the countries that are gradually gaining power. Soon (as it is expected), we all we have to learn Mandarin by 2018. It will become the new language of business.
I've always wanted to visit Sweden (Scandinavian Peninsula). I've never been to Northern Europe, but I did dwell in Spain, France, and Italy for 3 months with a middle school educational program. Sweden as well as Oslo (Norway) shall be next on my list.
Florida has wonderful weather...except now...when we expect a vast amount of rainfall and hurricane threats.
” Florida has wonderful weather...except now...when we expect a vast amount of rainfall and hurricane threats. “
Well, according to what I read at the beginning of the year it’s likely to be a more active hurricane season this year in and around the Mexican Gulf.
While on the subject, earlier this week I was keeping myself updated on the huge category 5 tropical cyclone Gonu heading up towards Oman, the strait of Hormuz and the Persian gulf.
Fortunately that cyclone weakened at lot closing in on Oman, but deserts, strong winds and extremely heavy rains isn’t the best of combinations...
“China is indeed making its mark gradually. I always try and keep my eye out for the countries that are gradually gaining power.”
Especially China and the now free of debt Putin-Russia looks to be strong in the future.
All countries with lots of natural resources will also do very well, that is, if they are fortunate enough to be left alone by foreign powers.
( For instance many Middle-eastern and African states might be forced into bad trade arrangements )
A 100 years ago Great Britain was the only superpower and they had been for a long time.
After the second world war two superpowers emerged, United States and Soviet.
The destruction of the Berlin-wall eventually lead to the collapse of Soviet.
United States is now in danger due to financial overextending and overspending.
All this is really results of mans inability to learn from history.
It’s true that history do not repeat, but if you put a bunch of people in a similar situation at different times their reactions will be about the same.
It’s just too tempting to take shortcuts, conceal truths, alter rules, sacrifice principles and finally when it all breaks down… point fingers and blame others !
“I've always wanted to visit Sweden (Scandinavian Peninsula). I've never been to Northern Europe, but I did dwell in Spain, France, and Italy for 3 months with a middle school educational program. Sweden as well as Oslo (Norway) shall be next on my list. “
I guess I really should teach you some Swedish then...
Lesson One: You may perhaps already know these famous words.
Hu beduschke dou
hu beduschke dou.
Hu bop bop poubu
Hu bou bupp bupp pou.
= The Swedish chef’s song in the American Muppet show.
- Well, I hate to tell you this, but that’s not even a single word of Swedish!
I had a feeling that wasn't Swedish...but I'd love something Swedish other than Swedish meatballs.
I must agree with you when you say that we are incapable of learning from history...it is likely that such acts as learning from the past are "out of style" and would be admitting that that we are not perfect and that we do not know it all! How dare us admit that...(lol)
Whatever is not known, isn't important! That is the generic rule.
Ahhhh, those countries with natural resources...they will indeed encounter challenges with others who seek to take whatever resources they have. After all, it's the countries that have these resources that most deem as "nonentities"; every man for himself.
US will continue to overspend --- it's our most treasured artform.
“I must agree with you when you say that we are incapable of learning from history...it is likely that such acts as learning from the past are "out of style" and would be admitting that that we are not perfect and that we do not know it all! How dare us admit that...(lol)”
Market sentiment…
Fear gradually disappears over the years and greed takes it place. Eventually something must break down and then fear returns. (Fear is the greatest economical driver.)
If you never fear not being able to pay off debts, then you could borrow money infinitely.
“Whatever is not known, isn't important! That is the generic rule.”
Journalists are people that is supposed to tell us what’s happening in the World, but now days they primarily act as “shapers of opinions” instead. However if people don’t even get all the facts, then they won’t make the correct assumptions or the rational decisions either.
Also the news should report real news. I mean who cares if Paris Hilton is put in jail or not?
“US will continue to overspend --- it's our most treasured artform.”
Yep, that’s correct!
US is excessive in many ways.
“Ahhhh, those countries with natural resources...they will indeed encounter challenges with others who seek to take whatever resources they have.”
The real issue right now is for instance Chinas involvements in several African nations.
By the way,
Saddam made lots of money by not accepting dollars for their oil in the past, but after the American “invasion” the Iraqi trade was immediately set back to the depreciating dollars.
Iran do not accept dollars for their oil... Kuwait and Syria has recently also said no to dollars for their oil…UAR might join them soon.
“I had a feeling that wasn't Swedish...but I'd love something Swedish other than Swedish meatballs. “
Meatballs is actually Köttbullar in Swedish…
The Swedish chef…
If I had to a guess why he talks like that on the Muppet show.
I think it all has to do with the word smorgasbord that was imported to the English and German languages. That’s not really a representative word since it’s really two or three words fused together. We also have three additional vocals in Swedish Å, Ä and Ö. So it’s actually Smörgåsbord.
And if you chop it up. Smör = butter, Gås = goose , Smörgås = sandwich, Bord = table…
So a “smorgasbord” is butter, bread, hot and cold dishes on a table…
- Jag måste erkänna att jag verkligen gillar detta. Vi verkar ha liknande tankar i huvudet och vi verkar förstå varandra ganska bra. Du är utan några tvivel en väldigt trevlig och intressant person att hålla kontakt med.
I must admit that I really like this. We seem to have similar thoughts in our heads and we seem to understand each other pretty well. You are without any doubts a very nice and interesting person to keep contacts with.
(a few facts)
Is this really healthy?
United States:
1. Have the biggest national debt of any country.
2. Have the (by far) biggest national deficit of any country.
The American population is about 5% of the world total population and it:
1. Comsumes 25% of total worldwide oilproduction.
2. Domestic oilreserves are 2% of total worldwide reserves.
3. USA imports 75% of all Oil/gas/diesel from others.
4. And finally. USA spends more than 50% of the worlds total money spent on military and defence.
Something to listen to...
There are other things in this link worth listening to also, but...
17 minutes into the program there's a question by Ron Paul to Ben Bernanke. and then some comments on that...
http://www.netcastdaily.com/broadcast /fsn2007-0721-3a.ram
/ Dan
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