About Me

My photo
At the age of 20, Jay has sought out to verbally and orally express her most inner thoughts. Topics of cultural pride and social injustice harbor at the root of her soul and emerge as powerful words that create powerful stories. She has yet to experience and know it all and she has accepted this fact; choosing to absorb the intellect of others before her. Currently, she attends a diverse university in Miami, Florida and hopes to finish college in a year. "Once a teacher asked me to think of ONE word that describes who I am...I chose to use the word INDIAN because I consider myself to be West Indian and Native American. To deny my culture is to deny the epitome of who I truly am and what I truly stand for."

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Deadly Ethiopian Oil Field Attack

I will be on hiatus for an entire week to two weeks...due to a well-earned vacation from the chaos that has taken over. Being the case, I have decided to create a brief (straight-forward) post.

The following website is a full report courtesy of MSNBC about the recent attacks on oil fields on the Somalian border, which left 65 Ethiopians and 9 Chinese workers dead. Warfare is going on everywhere, not just in Iraq...the innocent have suddenly become the silent. They have becomed the weak and the abused, abducted, and abandoned.

Read the article to get the full story...there was no need for me to paraphrase...the article explains it all objectively:


I'll pray that I arrive at my destination safely. Unil next time...Believe in something!

Monday, April 16, 2007

33 Dead Due to Virginia Tech Massacre

Blacksburg, Va.-----Headlines everywhere are buzzing about the "massacre on campus", which occured in episodes of two...one at 7:15 am this morning and another around 9:45 am. The incidents took place on the campus of Virginia Tech located in Blacksburg,Va. There is an estimated 33 dead, 17 injured, and 4 in stable condition.

The first shooting took place in Norris Hall (engineering hall) and the second occured in the Ambler Johnston dormitorium. There is speculation that the incident could be a mixture of students and teachers as a student gave an exclusive phone interview on channel 10 news. He stated that one of his teachers was dead and 2 classmates in stable condition.

2 were found dead in Norris Hall as the rest, including the gunmen, were found dead in Ambler Johnson. Controversy continues to boil over the supposed secure campus...many are wondering why officials didn't secure the sites better, allowing thousands of students to roam the campus uninformed about the dangerous event that happened at 7:15 this morning. Many believe that less would have died if they had known about the first shooting; giving them an hour and 45 minutes to run to safety. School officials have used the fact that the campus is home to thousands of students...ranging over 26,000 makes it difficult to keep everyone on campus informed...especially since 11,000+ live off-campus and commute to the school.

This incident has been labeled as the most tragic shooting/massacre of the century and in college history. Reports of an apartment building shooting on the other side of Blacksburg also took place right before this incident.So far, it is expected that the shooting off-campus and on campus are not related.

Officials are still invetigating hoping to find out more about the dead shooter and those who were killed. They are also hoping to release a list with names of all those killed so that way the immediate family (next of kin) are notified. Obviously, more information will not be released at this time being that the officials are expected to inform the public, but they must also protect the identity of the deceased and keep some information for security purposes...until the whole case has been solved and investigated thoroughly.

Photo 1 is the property of Bob Veltri
Photos 2-3 are the property of Virginia Tech school of engineering

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hands At Work (Child Labor)

The following was inspired by a scholarship application I am currently working on focused on the ideal of compassion and child labor...let me know your thoughts. Thanks.


Scarred hands powdered in dirt...
Limbs worn from travel
Eyes fixated on an imaginary dream.

Collectivism has placed me in a compromising position,
I have been abandoned by my own society,
Forced to sell my $20 body,
Forced into agriculture and mining...
Where's Mister Education and Salvation?

A Product of child labor,
A Result of Isolation,
A Fiend for Survival...

As I walk the impoverished streets of Ghana,
As my distant brother in Cambodia works his bones to shreds (harvesting rice),

As my fellow sister in the outskirts of Bombay watches her body disintegrate,
My innocence continues to shred...
10 years old and forced into adulthood.

Photo credits:

Photo 2: www.beps.net

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Nigerian Scams

Roughly a week ago, I was at home with my folks watching this Dateline special that was dishing the scoop on Nigerian scams. I felt compelled to dig deeper into this matter. Americans are bombarded, on a daily basis, with images of deprived and malnourished South African families. It would almost seem unlikely that victims of poverty would have enough brilliance to scam wealthier people.

Photo 1: Computer users at an Internet
Cafe in Owerri, Nigeria

In fact, South Africans do have access to technological advances such as the Internet...there are even local Internet cafes that are being used daily. Inside these internet havens (particularly in Nigeria), natives are logging in to the Internet and using the email system to rip off honest people.

Whether it is the "money investment" scheme or the "money relocation" scheme, or the "mail order" mishap, "wiring overage" uh-oh, Nigerians are using the computer to their advantage.

On the Dateline series investigators went undercover and pretended to feed into an alleged Nigerian scam involving a woman who was apparently living in Switzerland and needed help with a money deal that was going to fall through unless someone helped her transport goods from one hemisphere to another...she came off as desperate and legit. For months, the investigators played along and then when the time was right, they asked to meet the young lady. Surprisingly, the woman accepted but under the condition that her attorney be present.

Upon meeting, investiagtors spotted the attorney, but with another woman...different from her online photo. Long story short...investigators were able to find that the emails were coming from an ISP located in Nigeria and not Switzerland. It was assumed that the representing "attorney" was the scammer...because he even wascaught in a lie and came clean about not even being an attorney.

These cafes were filmed and inside there are a collection of computer users who were mostly partaking in scams...

I just hope that people would keep an eye out for fraudulent email scams. For me, it is nearly impossible only because I am not one to answer a call from an unknown number or read an email from someone or something other than my school or close friends and family...it sucks, but it keeps me internet happy.

Keep your special offers and deals; keep your get rich quick schemes!

photo 1 courtesy of www.gbengasesan.com
photo 2 courtesy of http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Art of Blogging

On my quest to reach credibility and respect as a blogger, I have made it my duty not to fall into the habit of blogging about "bubblegum mumbo jumbo"...I refuse to speak of the Ana Nicole Smiths in the world, those who just accomplished a Guiness World Book Record, the dog that got ran over...or even the conclusion of the I Love New York.

The ethics in blogging is to have an empathic sense of "reporting" or more suitably, "informing". Surely, we all as bloggers and readers, should be leaving room for the opposing view. Those who take blogs seriously know that the golden rule is to be impartial...

Unilateral stories never go too far. There has to be a compromise...the reader doesn't want to feel insulted intellectually with your use of conjured up crapola ("crap-ola"). Blogging isn't synonymous with a degree in Journalism, but if you are going to partake in it as a reader or writer, take pride and mean what you say or "dish out". Establish what is fact and what is opinion. Your relationship with your audience is highly critical...

Technorati Profile

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Racism Still Exists

It is no secret, that racism continues to show itself in the everyday lives of civilians. The issue is like a silent killer. Masks are worn and smiles are drawn onto faces, because the sincerity isn't there. Denial is prevalent despite numerous stories of judgments that are unfair. From masacres to lynchings to riots to burnings to cruel convictions of injustice...racism is very much alive; living so close to home.

Lamar County Courthouse;
Located in Paris, Texas.

In Texas, there is a rally of hundreds of blacks proclaiming that the laws of the state, particularly in Paris, Texas are more favorable to white juvenile delinquents versus blacks. There's no way that a court system can rule that a teen accused of assault (shoving) deserves harsher punishment than another who is guilty of arson...to me that is ridiculous, but not unbelievable. I can't begin to count how many times I've shoved someone in my entire lifetime. I am sure I will do it again int he future...yet, I didn't face 2 years probation. With laws that carry no validity and reason behind them, how can the court systems expect us to trust them? They can't even live up to "protect and serve".

No one cares to even pay attention. They are only paying attention now, because HUNDREDS of BLACKS have RALLIED and JOINED together: the perfect threat. Then it becomes important enough for them to alert officials...

As still feel as though there are some sick, ignorant people who believe that African-Americans and Blacks are savage beasts that blow up every second, waiting to instigate and instill fear. Yet, so many criminals of all ethnicities have committed heineous crimes as well...but there's just something about a black person that is sooo creepy...the people to fear are actually those with the most power...but not many have learned that yet.

Then again, I always place southern states in their own world. However, it is important to note that we are Americans and we do move therefore, racism can and has been everywhere. It still is.

Reverse discrimination...exixts

Hate crimes...do happen

Rape...occurs daily

Injustice...will always be

Photo taken from www.texascourthouses.com

For more information on this event, please visit: http://www.blackamericaweb.com/site.aspx/bawnews/cottonrally328

My Vote For President 2008!

Approximately a month ago, while driving to an ealry morning class, I was shocked to hear the story of the youngest running Presidential candidate. Her name is Susie Flynn and she wants to help the 9 million children who have no health care insurance. This comes as a surprise to many being that we all believe that our future (the children) are promised a better life and ultimate security, when in reality, the opposite holds true.

Over the country, there are children who are turned away and are denied treatment simply because of their economic status. The money that we spend is going down the wrong "drain" (so to speak). Instead of investing into the welfare of the "little ones" who seek to make a difference, our investment is in war occurring in another hemisphere.

Poverty is at an all time high and no one seems to be doing anything about it.

I haved signed the petition on her website and it made my heart jump when I realized that this is simply a call for us to show our own government that children's health is an important issue. I'm sorry, but if I have to pound your numbskull for you to realize that this is an important issue because you seem to be caught up in your own distractions, then obviously the government is increasing its amount of idiots.

I applaud Susie Flynn, she is indeed much more intelligent that the current President. Finally, we see smart women stepping up to the plate...which is what happens when a position of leadership has gone haywire.

To get more information about Susie Flynn and footage of her campaign trail, visit the official Susie Flynn Website: http://www.electsusie.com/

Friday, March 16, 2007


I decided that the best way for an audience to witness the growth of a creator is to analyze and get a taste of their earlier works. Here are a couple of poems that I published while in the later years of middle school and early years of high school. The graphic for the first topic is graphic and for this reason I have chosen to just put the link to its original source. To give you prior warning it is a picture of the remains of a suicide bomber.

Incantation of the Suicidal

Silent requests for an end(ing)
Underneath the coils of pretend(ing).
This life can't bare no more Existence.
There's nothing leftover but my
But mere Resistance.
Resistance to breathe continuosuly
It'll soon be relieved,
Thoughts appear sinuously.
Far more treasure Far more fair.
Nothing is pleasurable
Than the absence of air.
Therefore my nose and lungs
Are no longer of vitality.
What is done, is done
Down with morality!

For more information about suicide, please visit this link: www.suicide.com

What's So Different

Our hands intersect
As the pressure of our love is measured.
All that we can detect
Are the far more desired and treasured.
(What's the difference?)
We have already proclaimed
Our love for each other.
We've past the stage of shame, he's almost like my brother.
I tell him everything,
He's my confidante, my best friend.
One day I'll wear his wedding ring,
True lovers 'til the end.
(Is there a difference?)
Nearly incomprehensible - other's ignorance
When we kiss - oh, how it feels like butterflies.
There's only a slight difference (in our relationship) -
We're both guys.

For more information about homosexuality, please visit this link: www.pureintimacy.org/gr/homosexuality

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Set Back

Nazi rule allegedly diminished 60 years ago. However, recent news in Taiwan proves different. For 19 months, college students have formed an organization that is geared towards the study and understanding of Adolf Hitler. With their presence at parades and protests, these students have sought out to use the tactics of Hitler's programs as models of influence. The leader of the group has stated that the purpose of the organization isn't to flat-out repeat the acts of Hitler and exterminate an entire race, but to analyze the potential of his "welfare state" proposal.

Undoubtedly, many protestors against the National Socialist Association of Taiwanese Students have argued against their cause. Many see the group as being mentally ill. This doesn't seem to surprise me as much as it has others. Why? It doesn't surprise me because, so many social groups that have faced hardship and judgment, always find some kind of way to set themselves "back". Racial slurs being accepted and used as words of salutation as well as nations who are politically confused after having achieved democratic stature.

In regards to the Taiwanese students, I wouldn't place any judgments on them so quickly (if at all). They are searching for the positive in Hitler's past tactics...it's their choice? I am interested to understand their frame of mind. We are living in a "diluted" democracy and a lot of individuals here, still have psychological issues and civil unrest. We want freedom for all, yet we shun those who have a difference in sexual orientation.

Photo taken from CNN.com
Taiwan President dressed as Hitler

- Falling Backwards -

and just like your marbled necklace, I too was MADE IN TAIWAN.
Created amongst an island of political unrest.
Here, my lifestyle doesn’t belong to me, but it belongs to them.
I haven’t had enough time to form my own personality or beliefs,
They are ever changing.
One day, we are a Republic, the next we are considering independence,
Now, we just might go backwards into those years of discrimination
And ignorance and contempt for those who appear different.
Our youth has violated all that we stand for and has resorted to
Seeking influence from he who bears a mustache…
He who flaunts a swastika.
The disloyalty when we ourselves have been judged,
Confined as laborers and reluctant members of the KMT.
Those years of victimization have come to mean nothing.
Just like my generation, I travel backwards.
Go back!
Go back!
Stop here!

Our educated children are no longer our future, but our past reincarnated.
just like your ceramic kettle, I too was MADE IN TAIWAN.

- Sidenote - http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,258886,00.html

This story is too ridiculous for me to dedicate an entire blog...so check it out and leave your comments if you want.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What's "Real News" to you?

There lies a bittersweet truth concerning today's media outlets. As the years go by, we are constantly bombarded with a new definition of "real news". Ideally, we all expect news to be the recent crime that occurred right outside our house or the brutal lynching that is still going on in Southern states. It could even be the recent casualty that occured a whole continent away. However, these "crucial" issues have taken a backseat to the more "popular" events.

I can not begin to describe how amazing and surprising it is to see that a whole segment of the news reports are primarily dedicated to the latest contestant booted off of American Idol, or the tragic breakup of the entertainment world's most "hottest couple".

All of these convenient distractions only enable us to frolic in the failures and pitiful lifestyles of others; which only serve to make our lives seem 10 times better. It is no secret that we all love to see ourselves in a higher light. Not to mention, these distractions are so much sweeter and softer to the eyes. Who wants to see a graphic photo of a sick civilian? Who wants to see those shots of a worn body? No one.

Façades can be seen as tarnished visuals or ideologies that blur our sense of reality. They are seen as helpful, because it is so convenient for us to indulge in entertainment news.

It's so ironic that blogs have even taken to being a person's primary source for news. No longer do we read the newspaper or watch impartial news...we choose to go for what is convenient and cost effective: the Internet. It is now easy for anyone to become a writer or a journalist. You've got the scoop, you've got the ratings.

Don't mention bad things to me,
I want to hear the latest gossip.
I want to know who broke up with you and who is sleeping with who...
Who has a child by who and how old the child is...

We are so caught up in other people's business that is mostly (half of the time) false. I can't say that I am not guilty of this intellectual crime. No one seems to pay attention to their media outlets anymore. Half of the time we consume these juicy stories and never even notice the fewer instances of stealth marketing or product placement. We're just so distracted.

I guess I'll just have to get accustomed to what the television dishes out to me at the expense of knowing what is really going on in the world. I have to come to terms with the fact that more people vote for the next American Idol or the Top Model of the week, before voting for president or state officials. After all, the future of our country doesn't matter; we can't make a difference there.

I doubt I'll want to pursue my past hopes of being a journalist...I couldn't fathom giving out bias information...the world has no place for objectivity (or so it seems).

What's your take on it? What is your definition of "real news?" Is it the viewers who have determined what they see? After all, we are the ones who want to hear the gossip.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

God Can (not) Hear

I had to place a disclaimer first to inform everyone that I do not consider myself to be of any religion...not yet. I am a believer in God, but honestly I have not found a sanctuary that I deem comfortable enough to call my holy home. I do not look down upon any religion, even those who have not...everyone has a reason for their choice and I respect them all. Anyone of any religion is free to comment, because I am primarily looking for critique on my poetic style. If you have something more to say, that is fine but I don't expect any back-to-back arguing. Everyone's comments are just that: their comments.

God Can (not) Hear

O holy ground
That graciously scratches the sole of my feet
Leading me to the altar where I often pray
So much has changed,
So much has been sacrificed
Your holiness has reincarnated in a different way.
A sanctuary turned into something more unheard of,
Shunned, something more perverse
In manner, in general,
A bludgeoned curse.

“My Father wouldn’t do this, so how could you?
You’re anything but heaven-sent…I dread the presence of you”.
He’s told me that this is best for you and that I take this now –
“You’re doing inappropriate healing, one that the Almighty would never allow.”
I’m the spiritual guide and icon he gave you, I’ll do as I please,
now be a good person and drop to your knees.
“Oh sinful demon, go away because God will protect me from fear –“
For the last time, He won’t, for He can not hear.

I’ve lost all hope in religion and I’ve tried to forgive.
But how can I forgive a man who is invisible to me?
If he so loved the world, he’d let us all live
And let utopia be.

Yet we will not be able to suffer
Travesty and unjustly wraths;
We’d have no need for rationale and no ounce of feelings
That guide us on diverse, necessary paths.
Feelings of guilt, compassion, strength, feebleness,
Contempt, righteousness, and withdrawal –
All serve as testimony of believers who have or will hear God’s call.


There is no doubt that the poem above was done with the epidemic, that has plagued the Catholic Church, in mind. It also is geared towards the silent matters of adultery that go on in every church; issues that haven't been broadcasted as much, but we all know they exist.

photo 1 courtesy of http://religious.gmu.edu
photo 2 courtesy of www.hindunet.com.au
photos 3-5 courtesy of
photo 6 courtesy of www.religion-cults.com
photo 7 courtesy of www.onickz.com

Thursday, March 08, 2007

D.A.R.F.U.R Crisis


Darkened skies cover dead bodies
Spread across the reddened clay.
Children here know no sense of hope,
and lying distant…is a brighter day.
Government utters silence,
choosing to speak from the barrel of a gun.
Robbing families, raping women,
killing off infants and the innocent whose corpses decompose underneath the sizzling sun.

Anti-genocide, anti-war;
My fists clench as I choose not to witness this anymore.
Poverty and apartheid –the history of this “Motherland”.
We’ve placed our own selfishness ahead of Sudan.
Have we become supporters or culprits in the cause;
We’d prefer indifference and no action by placing reality on “PAUSE”.

Revolutionaries are created by their fascist governments,
seeking justice and change in humanity.
Their only crime: being victims of frequent brutality.
So let us shut our eyes!
Let us weep for them from a distance,
across the Atlantic.
Let us pity them and pretend to comprehend their plight;
Because we will do anything “convenient” as long as we aren’t called to fight.

Frown upon hungry sufferers who know no better.
Mock everything they stand for.
It’s so hard to care,
yet easier to ignore.
Bounded hands bleed profusely,
coloring the scene crimson
Dare to look into alerted eyes of those dead souls
filled with disdain, revenge, and turmoil.
Bury these slaughtered bodies deep below the worn soil.

Unite the scattered limbs –that’s the least we can do.
Protect this land of resource; give them spiritual life anew.
Stop the recruitment of child soldiers who welcome inevitable death.
How we salvage humanity before there is nothing left?

Reality shows itself during a crisis like this.
Our true feelings are given light as we instantly “dismiss
unwanted truths and apparent faults.
Less words signify defense as we all hide behind routine lifestyles of pride.
To forget is to be neutral when really,
we have increased the instances of genocide.

photo 1 courtesy of www.usafricaonline.com
photo 2 courtesy of www.interfaithnews.net
photo 3 courtesy of http://ec.europa.eu
photo 4 courtesy of www.villagevoice.com